💜 Empowering Survivors: JEI's Commitment to Domestic & Intimate Partner Violence Support in Our Communities
💜 In our neighborhoods, the fight against domestic violence persists. Thanks to our collaboration with the AmeriCorps Urban Safety Program (AMUS) and Wayne State University's Center for Urban Studies, we've established a compassionate response.
JEI supports two Domestic Violence Advocates (DVAs) located in the 5th and 7th Precincts. DVAs work closely with Neighborhood Police Officers to guide survivors toward safety and healing, offering essential services:
💜 Developing Safety Plans
💜 Filing petitions for Personal Protection Orders (PPOs) and accompanying survivors as needed
💜 Providing information about rights, options, and dynamics of domestic violence/intimate partner violence (DV/IPV)
💜 Referring survivors to supplemental services such as counseling and shelter.
Questions? Contact Lutalo Sanifu, JEI’s Director of Neighborhood Resilience, Safety and Business District Services at (313) 314-2678 or LSanifu@JeffersonEast.org.