It Takes A Village Skate Park Fundraiser - Sept 2, 2022


Library Street Collective is thrilled to announce It Takes a Village, a one-night-only benefit exhibition spanning both  LSC and sister gallery Louis Buhl & Co.’s walls and featuring over 70 participating artists to raise funds for the  development of a permanent public skatepark on Detroit’s East Side. The project is in partnership with Jefferson  East, Inc., a neighborhood non-profit organization that serves low-income populations on Detroit’s east side and  five historic bordering neighborhoods. 

The skate park will open in spring 2023 alongside the Charles McGee Legacy Park and a retrospective on the late  artist’s life and work at the Shepherd. Upon its completion, the skatepark will be fully accessible to the public. Says  Joshua R. Elling, CEO of Jefferson East, Inc: "As Jefferson East works to revitalize the east Jefferson corridor, it is  vital that residents have safe and engaging places to enjoy. The addition of this new skatepark will be an amazing  amenity for residents—young and old, longtime Detroiters and visitors alike. Combined with the Charles McGee  Legacy Park, this new public space will be a world-class amenity for all to enjoy."  

With the help of NewLine Skateparks, Hawk will lead the functional design of the park, while artist McArthur Binion  will oversee elements of the artistic design. It was in 2017 that Library Street Collective first collaborated with  Hawk to design and produce Wayfinding with Ryan McGinness, an installation and skatepark in downtown Detroit —this being just one of various skate park projects Hawk has spearheaded throughout the city over the years. 

It Takes a Village is also a celebration of Library Street Collective’s ten year anniversary, “a milestone we are  honored to share with the community of artists who have shaped our mission and allow us to contribute crucial  support to the creative renaissance of the city of Detroit,” says founder and partner Anthony Curis. “The occasion  signifies a new chapter for the gallery as we enter our expansion into the East Village neighborhood, with plans  along with the City of Detroit to designate the area as the city’s next cultural district. A soon-to-be fundamental  component of this ambitious development, the skatepark will empower daily joy and play, while uniquely  immersing the community in the greater world of art—Library Street Collective’s predominant goal since its  inception.”  

It Takes a Village will be on display for one night only on September 2nd, 2022 from 7 - 9 PM at Library Street  Collective and Louis Buhl & Co. in downtown Detroit. 

Featured artists include Tiffany Alfonseca, Daniel Arsham, Trudy Benson, Katherine Bernhardt, McArthur Binion,  Morgan Blair, Greg Bogin, Judy Bowman, Davariz Broaden, Kelsey Brookes, Marcus Brutus, Cydney Camp,  Canyon Castator, Ryan Travis Christian, Jake Clark, Allana Clarke, Richard Colman, Rosson Crow, Timothy Curtis, Heather Day, Sam Dienst, Michael Dotson, Sam Durant, Greg Fadell, FAILE, Shepard Fairey, Beverly Fishman,  James Benjamin Franklin, Sam Friedman, FriendsWithYou, Olivia Guterson, Eric Haze, Jammie Holmes, Thrush  Holmes, Cody Hudson, Todd James, Kaylie Kaitschuck, Sam Keller, Matthew King, Paul Kremer, Gary Lang, GE  Liu, Geoff McFetridge, Charles McGee, Ryan McGinness, Zoe McGuire, Mario Moore, Robert Moreland, Jordan  

Nickel, Sheila Nicolin, KC Ortiz, José Parlá, Pedro Pedro, Cleon Peterson, Jason REVOK, Jamea Richmond Edwards, Ellen Rutt, Chris Schanck, Ryan Schneider, Eric Shaw, Adam Parker Smith, Willie Wayne Smith, Phillip  K. Smith III, Sheida Soleimani, Jacqueline Surdell, Michael Thorpe, Russell Tyler, Paul Verdell, Julia Wachtel,  Natalie Wadlington, Bradley Ward, Wendy White, Tyrrell Winston, and more. 


Jefferson East Homeowners Assistance Event, September 21st


Vin Etching & Car Club Community Event - West Village, September 1, 2022