Jeff-Chalmers & Southwest Detroit Homeowners, participate in our Energy Efficiency Study! Earn $180

We are proud to announce our partnership with Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision (SDEV) and the University of Michigan, to facilitate a study which aims to better understand how we can connect residents with energy assistance programs to help save money on utility bills. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the study aims to better understand how neighborhood-based sustainability managers like JEI can connect residents with energy assistance programs to help save money on utility bills.

A community recruitment event is scheduled for 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 19th at JEI’s Neighborhood Resource Hub located at 14300 E. Jefferson Avenue. To participate in the study, individuals must be homeowners in Jefferson-Chalmers or Southwest Detroit, willing to share utility bills and smart meter data and participate in group meetings, home visits and phone calls with energy case managers over the course of eight months. 100 households will be recruited to participate in the study.

“This study will not only allow residents to better understand their energy use, but they will also learn about existing energy efficiency programs and receive an energy improvement plan specifically crafted for their household,” said JEI CEO Josh Elling.

All data collected from households will be transmitted and housed according to strict security standards established by the U.S. Department of Energy. Data from an individual home can be viewed by the homeowner. Researchers who access the database, however, cannot identify any individual participant. Homeowners will receive access to a secure website to monitor their energy use and its correlation to utility bills as well as the following:

  • $50 after the initial survey/meeting, $50 after the home visit, $30 after the follow-up calls/visits and $50 after the final survey

  • If selected, $50 to receive eGauge sub-meters (additional meters to measure energy usage in more detail) and/or $25 to participate in a focus group

  • Refreshments and food at meetings

  • Informational packets with resources

  • One-on-one case management to assist residents with getting connected with energy assistance, energy efficiency and electricity rate programs

  • Energy improvement plan based on family priorities

To learn more about the research study, please view the recruitment flyer or contact Jefferson East, Inc. by emailing

** Homeowners interested in participating in the study, and attending the session on May 19th, must click this link to register.


Join us! JEI Homeowner Assistance Event - Wednesday July 27th


Notice: March 21 Jefferson-Chalmers community meeting has been cancelled!