Shape your play activities! Tell us what you would like to see at the Lenox Center & A.B. Ford Park!

We’d like to thank everyone who participated in and encouraged others to complete the Lenox Center and A.B. Ford Park community survey! Read below to find out how you can see the survey results and how we start getting to the fun stuff: design!  

 Shape Your Play Activities!

We have created an activity for YOU to help design the park and community center. Now that we know what people want, we need to know how you want to see it on site. The exercise includes laying out your favorite activities and how much or little space they should take up.

 AB Ford Park- The park layout page includes a bubble grid over the site. Along the bottom, you will see activities and corresponding colors. Use those colors to let us know where you would like to see that activity in the park, and how big it should be. The examples come from the most popular responses on the survey, however feel free to create your own activities beyond those. Don’t forget to show how each item is connected  (trail, walkway, lawn, etc.) and label your bubbles if you don’t have the correct colors on hand.  Get creative and have some fun!

Lenox Center- On the building layout page you will see a grid of boxes along with some examples and corresponding colors below. Again, these are some of the most popular choices from the survey, but feel free to create your own rooms. Arrange the activities and rooms in the way you would like to experience them in the building. (Examples: Do you want one set of bathrooms in the center, or two sets on opposite ends of the building? Arts and crafts next to the computer room or yoga room?). Get creative and color outside the lines, but make sure to label your sketches!

 The activities are attached below, and are available on the website and social media pages. We also have paper copies available upon request. Thorough instructions are included on the activity sheet, but please contact us with any questions. Please submit your sketches by August 4th via email, or in the drop box on the Lenox Center entrance.

Download the activity sheets here:

Lenox Center Activity Sheet

A.B. Ford Activity Sheet

Community Check-In!

Join us Wednesday, August 5th at 5:30pm for a community check in! This will take the place of our regular office hours that day. In this meeting we will talk through the survey results, and results of the Shape Your Play Activity for the building design and park design. See the flyer below for call-in information, or check the project website.

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Today! Join us as we reveal the Jefferson-Chalmers Mainstreet Masterplan!


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