Show Me the Money Day is a statewide event in Michigan coordinated by the Community Economic Development Association of Michigan (CEDAM) that kicks off tax season and promotes access to free financial resources, affordable financial products and services, and financial education workshops. Resources for free tax preparation will also be available.
This year's Show Me the Money Day events will remain outdoor! We are hosting two drive-thru only events that will also include health screenings. Our final event will be held at the highly anticipated Jazzin at the Vanity community festival and will include financial workshops, family fun & games!
Join us!
Dedicated Senior Medical Center (Drive-thru only)
13210 E. Jefferson Ave., Detroit
Offering free blood pressure & blood sugar screenings
Please register to participate here
Hosted by Jefferson East, Inc., in partnership with Hope Community Outreach and Development.
Sponsored by: CEDAM and Consumers Energy
For more information, contact: Jacqueline Richmond, JEI Financial Opportunity Coordinator at: 313-314-2706 or
Visit: to learn more about our programs and services.